1. It is unlawful for any person to:
(a) Hold himself or herself out to the public or to solicit business as an architect, registered interior designer or residential designer in this State without having a certificate of registration or temporary certificate issued by the Board. This paragraph does not prohibit a person who is exempt, pursuant to NRS 623.330, from the provisions of this chapter from holding himself or herself out to the public or soliciting business as an interior designer.
(b) Advertise or put out any sign, card or other device which indicates to the public that he or she is an architect, registered interior designer or residential designer or that he or she is otherwise qualified to:
(1) Engage in the practice of architecture or residential design; or
(2) Practice as a registered interior designer,
Ê without having a certificate of registration issued by the Board.
(c) Engage in the practice of architecture or residential design or practice as a registered interior designer without a certificate of registration issued by the Board.
(d) Violate any other provision of this chapter.
2. Any person who violates any of the provisions of subsection 1:
(a) For the first violation, is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000, and may be further punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 6 months.
(b) For the second or any subsequent violation, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $2,000, and may be further punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 1 year.
3. If any person has engaged or is about to engage in any acts or practices which constitute or will constitute an offense against this chapter, the district court of any county, on application of the Board, may issue an injunction or other appropriate order restraining such conduct. Proceedings pursuant to this subsection are governed by Rule 65 of the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure, except that no bond or undertaking is required in any action commenced by the Board.
[36:220:1949; 1943 NCL § 537.36]—(NRS A 1959, 494; 1967, 639; 1973, 1699; 1975, 353; 1979, 1489, 1899; 1993, 2472; 1995, 1704; 1997, 206)