1. Each architect, registered interior designer or residential designer who wishes to renew a certificate of registration issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter must submit to the Board:
(a) The fees required for renewal pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
(b) Proof of compliance with all of the requirements established by the Board for continuing education for the renewal of the certificate of registration; and
(c) All information required to complete the renewal.
2. Upon receipt of the fees required for renewal, proof satisfactory to the Board of compliance with all of the requirements established by the Board for continuing education and all information required to complete the renewal, the Secretary of the Board shall execute and issue a certificate renewal card to the applicant, certifying that the certificate of registration is renewed for 1 year after its date of expiration. The certificate renewal card must bear a serial number and the signature or a facsimile thereof of the Secretary of the Board or the Executive Director and must bear the seal of the Board.
3. The renewal must be recorded, together with its serial number, by the Secretary of the Board in the official register of the Board pursuant to the provisions of NRS 623.230.
[25:220:1949; 1943 NCL § 537.25]—(NRS A 1959, 492; 1963, 820; 1975, 584; 1981, 759; 1983, 1923; 1995, 1701; 1997, 86, 204, 2110; 2001, 1789; 2005, 2701, 2807)