1. Is of good moral character.
2. Has a high school diploma or its equivalent as determined by the State Board of Education.
3. Is at least 18 years of age.
4. Has:
(a) Successfully completed the prescribed course of study in an accredited school of practical nursing or an accredited school of professional nursing, and been awarded a diploma by the school;
(b) Successfully completed the prescribed course of study in an approved school of practical nursing in the process of obtaining accreditation or an approved school of professional nursing in the process of obtaining accreditation, and been awarded a diploma by the school; or
(c) Been registered or licensed as a registered nurse under the laws of another jurisdiction.
5. Meets any other qualifications prescribed in regulations of the Board.
[4:154:1949; A 1955, 547] + [Part 5:154:1949; A 1955, 547]—(NRS A 1959, 241; 1961, 182; 1963, 615; 1973, 527; 1979, 435; 1981, 525; 1989, 2051; 2003, 337)