1. When a complaint is filed with the Executive Director of the Board, it must be considered by the President or a member of the Board designated by the President. If, from the complaint or from other official records, it appears that the complaint may be well founded in fact, the Executive Director shall cause written notice of the charges in the complaint to be served upon the person charged at least 20 days before the date fixed for the hearing. If the Board receives a report pursuant to subsection 5 of NRS 228.420, a hearing must be held within 30 days after receiving the report.
2. If the complaint is not deemed by the President or designated member of the Board to be of sufficient import or sufficiently well founded to merit bringing proceedings against the person charged, the complaint must be held in abeyance and discussed at the next meeting of the Board.
[Part 11:23:1923; A 1951, 258]—(NRS A 1983, 423; 1991, 2084; 1993, 788)