1. Obtaining a certificate upon fraudulent credentials or gross misrepresentation.
2. Procuring, or aiding or abetting in procuring, criminal abortion.
3. Assuring that a manifestly incurable disease can be permanently cured.
4. Advertising chiropractic business in which grossly improbable statements are made, advertising in any manner that will tend to deceive, defraud or mislead the public or preparing, causing to be prepared, using or participating in the use of any form of public communication that contains professionally self-laudatory statements calculated to attract lay patients. As used in this subsection, “public communication” includes, but is not limited to, communications by means of television, radio, newspapers, books and periodicals, motion picture, handbills or other printed matter.
5. Willful disobedience of the law, or of the regulations of the State Board of Health or of the Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada.
6. Conviction of any offense involving moral turpitude, or the conviction of a felony. The record of the conviction is conclusive evidence of unprofessional conduct.
7. Administering, dispensing or prescribing any controlled substance.
8. Conviction or violation of any federal or state law regulating the possession, distribution or use of any controlled substance. The record of conviction is conclusive evidence of unprofessional conduct.
9. Habitual intemperance or excessive use of alcohol or alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance.
10. Conduct unbecoming a person licensed to practice chiropractic or detrimental to the best interests of the public.
11. Violating, or attempting to violate, directly or indirectly, or assisting in or abetting the violation of, or conspiring to violate, any provision of this chapter or the regulations adopted by the Board, or any other statute or regulation pertaining to the practice of chiropractic.
12. Employing, directly or indirectly, any suspended or unlicensed practitioner in the practice of any system or mode of treating the sick or afflicted, or the aiding or abetting of any unlicensed person to practice chiropractic under this chapter.
13. Repeated malpractice, which may be evidenced by claims of malpractice settled against a practitioner.
14. Solicitation by the licensee or the licensee’s designated agent of any person who, at the time of the solicitation, is vulnerable to undue influence, including, without limitation, any person known by the licensee to have recently been involved in a motor vehicle accident, involved in a work-related accident, or injured by, or as the result of the actions of, another person. As used in this subsection:
(a) “Designated agent” means a person who renders service to a licensee on a contract basis and is not an employee of the licensee.
(b) “Solicitation” means the attempt to acquire a new patient through information obtained from a law enforcement agency, medical facility or the report of any other party, which information indicates that the potential new patient may be vulnerable to undue influence, as described in this subsection.
15. Employing, directly or indirectly, any person as a chiropractor’s assistant unless the person has been issued a certificate by the Board pursuant to NRS 634.123, or has applied for such a certificate and is awaiting the determination of the Board concerning the application.
16. Aiding, abetting, commanding, counseling, encouraging, inducing or soliciting an insurer or other third-party payor to reduce or deny payment or reimbursement for the care or treatment of a patient, unless such action is supported by:
(a) The medical records of the patient; or
(b) An examination of the patient by the chiropractic physician taking such action.
17. Violating a lawful order of the Board, a lawful agreement with the Board, or any of the provisions of this chapter or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto.
[Part 5:23:1923; A 1945, 136; 1949, 655; 1951, 258; 1955, 506] + [Part 11:23:1923; A 1951, 258]—(NRS A 1969, 347; 1971, 356, 2036; 1977, 189; 1981, 593; 1987, 1561; 1993, 328; 1997, 818; 2003, 3444; 2005, 2820; 2009, 1018)
NRS 634.019 Legislative declaration. The practice of chiropractic is hereby declared to be a learned profession, affecting public safety and welfare and charged with the public interest, and therefore subject to protection and regulation by the State.
(Added to NRS by 1997, 818)