1. The principal office of the Board is the place of business or employment of the Secretary of the Board, but it may maintain offices in as many localities in the State as it finds necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, and may meet or conduct any of its business at any place in the State.
2. The Board shall meet at least once in the fall of each year on a date determined by the Board, at which time candidates applying for licensing must be examined and their qualifications determined.
3. In addition to the meeting required by subsection 2, the Board may hold such other meetings as it may deem advisable. The time and place of all such meetings must be determined by the Board.
[Part 4:216:1951; R 1953, 554; new section added 1953, 554] + [Part 11:216:1951; A 1953, 554]—(NRS A 1963, 155; 1979, 1195; 1983, 1448; 1987, 603)