1. A license as a dispensing optician issued under the provisions of this chapter expires on January 31 of each year.
2. A license may be renewed before its expiration upon:
(a) Presentation of proof of completion of the continuing education required by NRS 637.135; and
(b) Payment of a renewal fee set by the Board of not more than $500.
3. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, any license which is not renewed before January 31 of each year shall be deemed delinquent. Not later than 2 years after the expiration of a license, a delinquent license may be reinstated, at the discretion of the Board, upon payment of each applicable annual renewal fee in addition to the annual delinquency fee set by the Board of not more than $500.
4. Upon written request to the Board, and payment of a fee not to exceed $300, a licensee in good standing may have his or her name and license transferred to an inactive list. Such a licensee shall not practice ophthalmic dispensing during the time the license is inactive. If an inactive licensee desires to resume the practice of ophthalmic dispensing, the Board shall reactivate the license upon the:
(a) Demonstration, if deemed necessary by the Board, that the licensee is then qualified and competent to practice;
(b) Completion of an application; and
(c) Payment of the renewal fee set by the Board pursuant to subsection 2.
Ê Payment of the delinquency fee and the renewal fee for any year while the license was inactive is not required.
[8:216:1951]—(NRS A 1975, 550; 1979, 1198; 1981, 1343; 1987, 606; 1989, 913; 1997, 2140; 2003, 2016, 2017; 2007, 1240)