1. The Board, after notice and a hearing as required by law, and upon any ground enumerated in subsection 2, may take one or more of the following actions:
(a) Refuse to issue a license or temporary license to any applicant.
(b) Refuse to renew the license or temporary license of any person.
(c) Suspend or revoke the license or temporary license of any person.
(d) Place any person who has been issued a license or temporary license on probation.
(e) Impose an administrative fine which does not exceed $5,000 on any person who has been issued a license.
2. The Board may take action pursuant to subsection 1 if an applicant or person who has been licensed pursuant to this chapter:
(a) Is habitually drunk or is addicted to the use of a controlled substance.
(b) Has been convicted of violating any state or federal law relating to controlled substances.
(c) Is, in the judgment of the Board, guilty of immoral or unprofessional conduct.
(d) Has been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude.
(e) Has been convicted of violating any of the provisions of NRS 616D.200, 616D.220, 616D.240 or 616D.300 to 616D.440, inclusive.
(f) Is guilty, in the judgment of the Board, of gross negligence in his or her practice as a physical therapist which may be evidenced by claims of malpractice settled against a practitioner.
(g) Has obtained or attempted to obtain a license by fraud or material misrepresentation.
(h) Has been declared insane by a court of competent jurisdiction and has not thereafter been lawfully declared sane.
(i) Has entered into any contract or arrangement which provides for the payment of an unearned fee to any person following his or her referral of a patient.
(j) Has employed as a physical therapist any unlicensed physical therapist or physical therapist whose license has been suspended.
(k) Has had a license to practice physical therapy suspended, revoked or in any way limited by another jurisdiction.
(l) Is determined to be professionally incompetent by the Board.
(m) Has violated any provision of this chapter or the Board’s regulations.
(n) Has operated a medical facility, as defined in NRS 449.0151, at any time during which:
(1) The license of the facility was suspended or revoked; or
(2) An act or omission occurred which resulted in the suspension or revocation of the license pursuant to NRS 449.160.
Ê This paragraph applies to an owner or other principal responsible for the operation of the facility.
[14:364:1955]—(NRS A 1971, 2044; 1975, 119; 1981, 598, 937; 1983, 1541; 1987, 1569; 1989, 1578; 1993, 794, 888; 1995, 548; 2003, 3456; 2005, 782; 2009, 895)