1. The Nevada State Funeral Board, consisting of five members appointed by the Governor, is hereby created.
2. The Governor shall appoint:
(a) One member who is actively engaged as a funeral director and embalmer.
(b) One member who is actively engaged as an operator of a cemetery.
(c) One member who is actively engaged in the operation of a crematory.
(d) Two members who are representatives of the general public.
3. No member who is a representative of the general public may:
(a) Be the holder of a license or certificate issued by the Board or be an applicant or former applicant for such a license or certificate.
(b) Be related within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity to the holder of a license or certificate issued by the Board.
(c) Be employed by the holder of a license or certificate issued by the Board.
4. After the initial terms, members of the Board serve terms of 4 years, except when appointed to fill unexpired terms.
5. The Chair of the Board must be chosen from the members of the Board who are representatives of the general public.
[Part 1:28:1909; RL § 4445; NCL § 2665]—(NRS A 1959, 849; 1977, 1259; 1993, 2611; 1999, 941; 2003, 1267)