1. A license issued pursuant to this chapter may not be issued or renewed until the applicant or licensee pays to the Board a license fee prescribed by the Board in an amount not exceeding $500 for each category of license being issued or renewed.
2. A license held in abeyance may not be renewed until the licensee pays to the Board a license fee prescribed by the Board in an amount not exceeding $100 for each category of license being renewed.
3. The license fee must be paid annually and is due on July 1. The Board may provide that the fee be reduced ratably for portions of the license period.
4. A license held in abeyance may be reinstated upon payment to the Board of $100 for each category of license and the annual license fee prescribed pursuant to subsection 1 for each category of license.
5. The Board shall prescribe by regulation the circumstances under which the Board will hold a license in abeyance.
[21:85:1947; 1943 NCL § 5175.21]—(NRS A 1967, 1361; 1977, 384; 1979, 930; 1981, 1043; 1983, 1603; 1985, 1339; 1989, 1753)