1. The Commissioner shall keep in the Office of the Commissioner, in a suitable record provided for the purpose, all applications for certificates, licenses and all bonds required to be filed under this chapter. The record must state the date of issuance or denial of the license or certificate and the date and nature of any action taken against any of them.
2. All licenses and certificates issued must be sufficiently identified in the record.
3. All renewals must be recorded in the same manner as originals, except that, in addition, the number of the preceding license or certificate issued must be recorded.
4. Except for confidential information contained therein, the record must be open for inspection as a public record in the Office of the Commissioner.
[12:237:1931; 1931 NCL § 1420.11]—(NRS A 1959, 828; 1969, 841; 1983, 1711; 1985, 314, 376; 1987, 1888)