1. Banks organized under this title may maintain branch offices but the location of the principal office and the parent bank must be within this State.
2. Additional branch offices may be from time to time established by the board of directors with the written consent of the Commissioner.
3. A bank may discontinue a branch office upon resolution of its board of directors. Upon the adoption of the resolution, the bank shall file a certification with the Commissioner specifying the location of the branch office to be discontinued and the date upon which it is proposed that the discontinuance is to be effective. This certificate must state the reasons for the closing of the branch office and indicate that the needs and conveniences of the community would still be adequately met. Notice stating the intention to discontinue the branch office must be published in a newspaper serving the community once a week for 4 consecutive weeks before any certificate requesting discontinuance is filed with the Commissioner. No branch office may be discontinued until approved by the Commissioner, who shall first hold a public hearing thereon, if so requested by any interested person.
4. Any action taken by the Commissioner pursuant to this section is subject to review in the same manner as provided in NRS 659.055.
(Added to NRS by 1971, 972; A 1983, 1729; 1987, 1905)