1. The Commissioner may conduct or cause to be conducted such hearings, investigations or examinations of the books and records, wherever they may be, relating to the affairs of such organizations as he or she may deem expedient and in aid of the proper administration of the provisions of this chapter.
2. In connection with the conduct of any hearing, investigation or examination, the Commissioner or other person designated by him or her to conduct it may:
(a) Compel the attendance of any person by subpoena.
(b) Administer oaths.
(c) Examine any person under oath concerning the business and conduct of affairs of any association subject to the provisions of this chapter, and require the production of any books, papers, records, money and securities relevant to the inquiry. Any willful false swearing is perjury and is punishable as such.
3. The Commissioner shall conduct at least once every 2 years an examination of the books and records of each association licensed under this chapter.
[Part 22:51:1931; A 1933, 78; 1939, 153; 1931 NCL § 970.21]—(NRS A 1961, 773; 1969, 979; 1979, 1297; 1983, 1793; 1987, 1976)