1. Each individual policy or certificate of insurance must provide for a refund of unearned premiums if the credit personal property insurance is cancelled before the scheduled date of termination of the insurance.
2. Except as otherwise provided in this section, any refund must be provided to the person to whom it is entitled as soon as practicable after the date of cancellation of the insurance.
3. The Commissioner shall, by regulation, establish the minimum amount of unearned premiums that must remain outstanding at the time of cancellation in order for a person to be entitled to a refund. If the amount of unearned premiums that remains outstanding at the time of cancellation is less than the minimum amount established by regulation, the person is not entitled to a refund.
4. The formula that an insurer uses to determine the amount of a refund must be submitted to and approved by the Commissioner before it is used.
(Added to NRS by 2005, 2113)