1. The Chair and the other Commissioners, including any Acting Commissioners, are in the unclassified service of the State.
2. Notwithstanding any other specific statute to the contrary and regardless of the length of service, a person who is appointed to serve as an Acting Commissioner pursuant to NRS 703.085 is not entitled because of that appointment to participate in any programs or receive any benefits that are offered or provided to state officers or employees in the unclassified service of the State pursuant to chapter 284, 286 or 287 of NRS.
[Part 5:109:1919; A 1931, 225; 1941, 40; 1949, 449; 1951, 200; 1953, 252] + [20:295:1953; A 1955, 525]—(NRS A 1957, 332; 1959, 788; 1960, 396; 1961, 657; 1963, 1333; 1965, 706; 1967, 1504; 1971, 1443; 1981, 1285; 2003, 3024)