705.100 Animals to be fed and watered when unloaded; duties of custodian or company; lien of company. Animals so unloaded shall be properly fed and watered during such rest by the owner or person having the custody thereof or, in case of such owner’s or person’s default in so doing, then by the railroad company transporting the same, at the expense of the owner or person in custody thereof; and such company shall, in such case, have a lien upon such animals for food, care and custody furnished, and shall not be liable for any detention of such animals.
[2:94:1903; RL § 3586; NCL § 6316]
NRS 705.110 Penalty. Any company, owner or custodian of such animals who knowingly and willingly fails to comply with the provisions of NRS 705.090 and 705.100 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
[3:94:1903; RL § 3587; NCL § 6317]—(NRS A 1967, 657)