1. Such line or lines of telegraph as may avail themselves of the provisions of NRS 707.230 to 707.290, inclusive, shall also be governed, in all respects, by the general laws of the State regulating telegraph lines, and shall do the business of side lines, and transmit all dispatches in the order in which they are received, under the penalty of $100. All damages sustained thereby shall be recovered, with costs of suit, by the person or persons whose dispatch is postponed out of its order; provided:
(a) That arrangements may be made with publishers of newspapers for the transmission of intelligence of general and public interest out of its order; and
(b) That preference may be given to official dispatches for the detection and capture of criminals.
2. Messages on public business may be sent by the State of Nevada over such lines free of charge.
[5:17:1866; B § 3494; BH § 919; C § 1049; RL § 4628; NCL § 7670]