1. The right to lay, maintain and operate pipelines, together with telephone and telegraph lines incidental to and designated for use only in connection with the operations of those pipelines, along, across or under any public stream or highway in this state, is hereby conferred upon all persons coming within any of the definitions of common carrier pipelines contained in NRS 708.020, who have obtained a certificate of public convenience and necessity as provided in NRS 708.025 and 708.035.
2. In the exercise of the privileges herein conferred, such pipelines shall compensate the county or counties for any damage done to the public road or highway in the laying of pipelines, telegraph or telephone lines, along or across the same.
3. This section does not:
(a) Grant any pipeline company the right to use any public street or alley of any incorporated city except by express permission from the city or governing authority thereof.
(b) Allow any company to use any street or alley of an unincorporated town, except by express permission of the board of county commissioners of the county in which the town is situated.
[3:227:1921; NCL § 4947]—(NRS A 1969, 878; 1987, 1730)