709.190 Application for franchise: Contents; franchise limited to 50 years. Any person engaged in the business of supplying electric light, heat or power within two or more counties of this state, and who desires to extend the business into any other county or counties, may obtain a franchise to construct, install, operate and maintain electric light, heat and power lines, and all necessary or proper appliances used in connection therewith, or appurtenant thereto, in or over the streets, alleys, avenues, and other places, in any unincorporated town, and along the public roads and highways, in any other county or counties, by filing with the board of county commissioners of the county or counties, respectively, within which the franchise is to be exercised an application, in writing, setting forth:
1. The name of the applicant, the counties in which the applicant is operating, and the time for which the franchise is desired, not exceeding 50 years.
2. The places where the franchise, right or privilege is to be exercised in the county.
[2:102:1919; 1919 RL p. 2808; NCL § 3198]—(NRS A 1985, 321; 1987, 2237)