1. The name of the applicant and the time for which the franchise, right or privilege is desired, not exceeding 25 years.
2. The places where the franchise, right or privilege is to be exercised and, if in any unincorporated town, the streets, avenues, alleys and other places through, over, under or along which the franchise, right or privilege is sought.
3. If the application is for a street railway, it must designate the route of the proposed line in the county, and specify the width of ground desired to be included in its right-of-way.
4. A map or plat correctly showing and delineating, so far as practicable, the proposed route or right-of-way of any street railway, light, heat or power, telegraph or telephone lines, and the places where gas or water mains are to be laid or installed.
[2:168:1909; RL § 2130; NCL § 3184]—(NRS A 1985, 319)