709.100 Undertaking by holder of franchise guaranteeing commencement of construction within 60 days from date of award of franchise. The board of the county commissioners, at the time of granting any such authority, franchise and right-of-way, shall require the applicant to enter into an undertaking to the county in a sum to be determined by the board of county commissioners, with surety or sureties approved by the board, conditioned that the applicant shall commence active construction of such telephone, telegraph, light, heat or power lines, the laying of gas or water mains, or such streetcar system, for which such franchise, right or privilege is granted, within 60 days from the date of the granting of the franchise, right or privilege, and prosecute the construction thereof to completion with due diligence; and, failing to comply with the conditions of such undertaking, shall pay into the treasury of the county to which such undertaking is given the sum of money mentioned therein and forfeit all rights to such franchise, right or privilege.
[6:168:1909; RL § 2134; NCL § 3188]