1. One or more persons may establish a corporation for the transaction of any lawful business, or to promote or conduct any legitimate object or purpose, pursuant and subject to the requirements of this chapter, by signing and filing in the Office of the Secretary of State articles of incorporation.
2. The articles of incorporation must be as provided in NRS 78.035, and the Secretary of State shall require them to be in the form prescribed. If any articles are defective in this respect, the Secretary of State shall return them for correction.
[3:177:1925; A 1931, 415; 1931 NCL § 1602]—(NRS A 1963, 70; 1979, 394; 1981, 1888; 1989, 948; 1991, 1208; 1995, 2095; 1999, 1577; 2003, 3078; 2007, 2640)