1. Upon the filing of the articles of incorporation pursuant to NRS 78.030 and the payment of the filing fees, the Secretary of State shall issue to the corporation a certificate that the articles, containing the required statement of facts, have been filed. From the date the articles are filed, the corporation is a body corporate, by the name set forth in the articles of incorporation, subject to the forfeiture of its charter or dissolution as provided in this chapter.
2. Neither an incorporator nor a director designated in the articles of incorporation thereby becomes a subscriber or stockholder of the corporation.
3. The filing of the articles of incorporation does not, by itself, constitute commencement of business by the corporation.
[Part 5:177:1925; NCL § 1604]—(NRS A 1989, 948; 1991, 1211; 1993, 946; 2007, 2641)
NRS 78.055 Acceptable evidence of incorporation. A copy of any articles of incorporation filed pursuant to this chapter, and certified by the Secretary of State under the official seal of the Secretary of State, or, with respect to a corporation organized before October 1, 1991, a copy of the copy thereof, filed with the county clerk, or microfilmed by the county clerk, under the county seal, certified by the clerk, must be received in all courts and places as prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated, and of the existence and incorporation of the corporation therein named.
[Part 5:177:1925; NCL § 1604]—(NRS A 1963, 70; 1991, 1211)