1. Any corporation organized and existing under the laws of this State on April 1, 1925, may reincorporate under this chapter, either under the same or a different name, by:
(a) Filing with the Secretary of State a certificate signed by its president and attested by its secretary and duly authorized by a meeting of the stockholders called for that purpose, setting forth the statements required in an original certificate of incorporation by NRS 78.035; and
(b) Surrendering the existing charter or certificate of incorporation of the corporation, and accepting the provisions of this chapter.
2. Upon the filing of the certificate, the corporation shall be deemed to be incorporated under this chapter and is entitled to and possesses all the privileges, franchises and powers as if originally incorporated under this chapter. All the properties, rights and privileges theretofore belonging to the corporation, which were acquired by gift, grant, conveyance, assignment or otherwise, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed and assured to the corporation with like effect and to all intents and purposes as if the same had been originally acquired through incorporation under this chapter.
3. Any corporation reincorporating under this chapter is subject to all the contracts, duties and obligations theretofore resting upon the corporation whose charter or certificate of incorporation is thus surrendered or to which the corporation is then in any way liable.
[82:177:1925; NCL § 1681]—(NRS A 1971, 1105; 2003, 3106)