1. For the purposes of NRS 87A.615, a solicitation of a deposit is made in this State, whether or not either party is present in this State, if the solicitation:
(a) Originates in this State; or
(b) Is directed by the solicitor to a destination in this State and received where it is directed, or at a post office in this State if the solicitation is mailed.
2. A solicitation of a deposit is accepted in this State if acceptance:
(a) Is communicated to the solicitor in this State; and
(b) Has not previously been communicated to the solicitor, orally or in writing, outside this State.
Ê Acceptance is communicated to the solicitor in this State, whether or not either party is present in this State, if the depositor directs it to the solicitor reasonably believing the solicitor to be in this State and it is received where it is directed, or at any post office in this State if the acceptance is mailed.
3. A solicitation made in a newspaper or other publication of general, regular and paid circulation is not made in this State if the publication:
(a) Is not published in this State; or
(b) Is published in this State but has had more than two-thirds of its circulation outside this State during the 12 months preceding the solicitation.
Ê If a publication is published in editions, each edition is a separate publication except for material common to all editions.
4. A solicitation made in a radio or television program or other electronic communication received in this State which originates outside this State is not made in this State. A radio or television program or other electronic communication shall be deemed to have originated in this State if the broadcast studio or origin of the source of transmission is located within the State, unless:
(a) The program or communication is syndicated and distributed from outside this State for redistribution to the general public in this State;
(b) The program is supplied by a radio, television or other electronic network whose electronic signal originates outside this State for redistribution to the general public in this State;
(c) The program or communication is an electronic signal that originates outside this State and is captured for redistribution to the general public in this State by a community antenna or cable, radio, cable television or other electronic system; or
(d) The program or communication consists of an electronic signal which originates within this State, but which is not intended for redistribution to the general public in this State.
(Added to NRS by 2007, 479)
NRS 87A.625 Action by Attorney General to restrain transaction of business. The Attorney General may bring an action to restrain a foreign limited partnership from transacting business in this State in violation of NRS 87A.535 to 87A.625, inclusive.
(Added to NRS by 2007, 479)