1. In all cases of execution, attachment and writs of a similar nature against the property of any person or persons, chartered company or corporation, at any time before the actual sale of property levied upon, it shall be lawful for a miner, mechanic, salesperson, servant, clerk and laborer to give notice of his or her claim or claims and the amount thereof, duly certified and sworn to by the creditor or creditors making the claim to the officer executing either of such writs.
2. The creditor or creditors making the claim shall at the same time give notice in writing to the creditor or creditors at whose instance the property has been levied upon, or his, her or their attorney, of their claim or claims, and the amount thereof duly certified and sworn to by such claimant or claimants. A copy of the notice shall also be served upon the debtor if the debtor be found within the county where the property levied upon is situated. If the debtor cannot be found within the county where the property levied upon is situated, then the notice may be served upon the officer executing either of such writs in lieu of the debtor.
3. Upon the filing in the court where the action or actions against the debtor is or are pending of an affidavit of the claimant or claimants, showing his, her or their compliance with the foregoing provisions of this section, the officer executing either of the writs shall pay to such miners, mechanics, salespersons, servants, clerks or laborers, out of the proceeds of the sale, the amount each is justly and legally entitled to receive for services rendered, within 90 days next preceding the levy of the writ of execution, attachment, or other writ, not exceeding $600.
4. Either the creditor or the debtor may dispute the claim of any person seeking and claiming preference under this section, and in such case the party or parties disputing such claim shall serve a written notice that they dispute such claim upon the claimant or claimants, and upon the officer executing such writs, within 5 days from the time of service upon such creditor or debtor of the notice of the claim by the claimant seeking preference, as hereinbefore provided for.
5. Within 10 days from the time of the service provided for in subsection 4, the claimant or claimants shall commence an action in any court of competent jurisdiction against the debtor, and the person or persons disputing his, her or their claim or claims, for the recovery thereof, and shall prosecute such action with due diligence, or be forever barred from any claim of priority payment thereof. In case action is rendered necessary by the act aforesaid, by either debtor or creditor, and judgment shall be had for the claim or any part thereof, carrying costs, the costs attending the prosecution of the action, and legally taxable therein, shall likewise be a preferred claim with the same rank as the original claim.
6. If the amount of assets, after deducting costs of levy and sale, shall not be adequate to the payment of all the preferred claims of this class, they shall be paid pro rata out of the money hereby made applicable thereto.
[Part 1911 CPA § 552; RL § 5494; NCL § 9041]—(NRS A 1959, 136)
NRS 100.030 NRS 100.010 and 100.020 not to affect prior liens. Nothing contained in NRS 100.010 and 100.020 shall be construed to affect any homestead claims, mortgage or lien of any description, created and existing before the claim of such laborer accrued.
[Part 1911 CPA § 552; RL § 5494; NCL § 9041]