1. To obtain the release of a lien for which notice of lien has been recorded against the property, the principal and a surety must execute a surety bond in an amount equal to 1.5 times the lienable amount in the notice of lien, which must be in the following form:
(Assessor’s Parcel Numbers)
(Title of court and cause, if action has been commenced)
WHEREAS, ........................ (name of principal), located at ........................................ (address of principal), desires to give a bond for releasing the following described property owned by ......................................... (name of owners) from that certain notice of lien in the sum of $................ recorded ..... (month) ..... (day) ....., (year), in the office of the recorder in ................................ (name of county where the property is located):
(Legal Description)
NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned principal and surety do hereby obligate themselves to the lien claimant named in the notice of lien, ................................, (name of lien claimant) under the conditions prescribed by NRS 108.2413 to 108.2425, inclusive, in the sum of $................ (1 1/2 x lienable amount), from which sum they will pay the lien claimant that amount as a court of competent jurisdiction may adjudge to have been secured by the lien, including the total amount awarded pursuant to NRS 108.237, but the liability of the surety may not exceed the penal sum of the surety bond.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the principal and surety have executed this bond at ................................, Nevada, on the ....... day of the month of ....... of the year .......
(Signature of Principal)
(Surety Corporation)
(Its Attorney in Fact)
State of Nevada }
} ss.
County of........................................................ }
On ..... (month) ..... (day) ....., (year), before me, the undersigned, a notary public of this County and State, personally appeared ................................. who acknowledged that he or she executed the foregoing instrument as principal for the purposes therein mentioned and also personally appeared ................................ known (or satisfactorily proved) to me to be the attorney in fact of the surety that executed the foregoing instrument, known to me to be the person who executed that instrument on behalf of the surety therein named, and he or she acknowledged to me that the surety executed the foregoing instrument.
(Notary Public in and for
the County and State)
2. To obtain the release of all prospective and existing lien rights of lien claimants related to a work of improvement, the principal and a surety must execute and cause to be recorded a surety bond in an amount equal to 1.5 times the amount of the prime contract, which must be in the following form:
(Assessor’s Parcel Numbers)
(Title of court and cause, if action has been commenced)
WHEREAS, ........................ (name of principal), located at ........................................ (address of principal), desires to give a bond for releasing the following described property owned by ......................................... (name of owners) from all prospective and existing lien rights and notices of liens arising from materials, equipment or work provided or to be provided under the prime contract described as follows:
(Parties to the Prime Contract)
(Amount of the Prime Contract)
(Date of the Prime Contract)
(Summary of Terms of the Prime Contract)
WHEREAS, the property that is the subject of the surety bond is described as follows:
(Legal Description)
NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned principal and surety do hereby obligate themselves in the sum of $................ (1 1/2 x amount of prime contract) to all prospective and existing lien claimants who have provided or hereafter provide materials, equipment or work under the prime contract, from which sum the principal and surety will pay the lien claimants the lienable amount that a court of competent jurisdiction may determine is owed to each lien claimant, and such additional amounts as may be awarded pursuant to NRS 108.237, but the liability of the surety may not exceed the penal sum of the surety bond.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the principal and surety have executed this bond at ................................, Nevada, on the ....... day of the month of ....... of the year .......
(Signature of Principal)
(Surety Corporation)
(Its Attorney in Fact)
State of Nevada }
County of........................................................ }
On ..... (month) ..... (day), ..... (year), before me, the undersigned, a notary public of this County and State, personally appeared ................................. who acknowledged that he or she executed the foregoing instrument as principal for the purposes therein mentioned and also personally appeared ................................ known (or satisfactorily proved) to me to be the attorney in fact of the surety that executed the foregoing instrument, known to me to be the person who executed that instrument on behalf of the surety therein named, and he or she acknowledged to me that the surety executed the foregoing instrument.
(Notary Public in and for
the County and State)
3. The principal must record the surety bond in the office of the county recorder in the county in which the property upon which the improvement is located, either before or after the commencement of an action to enforce the lien. A certified copy of the recorded surety bond shall be deemed an original for purposes of this section.
4. Upon the recording of the surety bond, the principal must serve a file-stamped copy of the recorded surety bond in the following manner:
(a) If a lien claimant has appeared in an action that is pending to enforce the notice of lien, service must be made by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, upon the lien claimant at the address set forth in the lien and the lien claimant’s counsel of record at his or her place of business;
(b) If a notice of lien is recorded at the time the surety bond is recorded and no action is pending to enforce the notice of lien, personal service must be made upon each lien claimant pursuant to Rule 4 of the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure; or
(c) If no notice of lien is recorded at the time the surety bond is recorded, service must be made by personal service or certified mail, return receipt requested, upon each lien claimant and prospective lien claimant that has provided or thereafter provides the owner or lessee with a notice of a right to lien. Such service must be within 10 days after the recording of the surety bond, or the service of notice of the right to lien upon the owner by a lien claimant, whichever is later.
5. Failure to serve the surety bond as provided in subsection 4 does not affect the validity of the surety bond, but the statute of limitations on any action on the surety bond, including a motion excepting to the sufficiency of the surety pursuant to NRS 108.2425, is tolled until notice is given.
6. Subject to the provisions of NRS 108.2425, the recording and service of the surety bond pursuant to:
(a) Subsection 1 releases the property described in the surety bond from the lien and the surety bond shall be deemed to replace the property as security for the lien.
(b) Subsection 2 releases the property described in the surety bond from any liens and prospective liens for work, materials or equipment related to the prime contract and the surety bond shall be deemed to replace the property as security for the lien.
(Added to NRS by 1981, 28; A 2001, 29; 2003, 2610; 2005, 1906)