There is established within the division of economic development, a technology development and telecommunication planning function, which is intended to promote technology development and telecommunication planning in the state. Under the supervision of the director of the division of economic development, the division shall:
   I. Coordinate state telecommunications policy planning initiatives by providing support for the telecommunications planning and development advisory committee established in RSA 12-A:46, maintaining a state telecommunications resource website, and working with regional partners from the private and public sector to coordinate efforts to provide increased interoperable advanced telecommunications systems throughout the state with the goal of providing affordable and accessible broadband to residents of this state.
   II. Encourage and facilitate collaboration between public and private research and development efforts in New Hampshire relative to technology development and telecommunications planning.
   III. With the assistance of the University of New Hampshire and other partners, seek resources such as grants from government and nonprofit entities to develop a state technology development and telecommunications plan.
Source. 2007, 263:104, eff. July 1, 2007.