I. The general court recognizes that the closure and redevelopment of Pease Air Force Base is a matter of great concern for the town of Newington, the city of Portsmouth, the seacoast region, and the state of New Hampshire. Therefore, the general court finds that a comprehensive study of all issues related to the closure and redevelopment of Pease Air Force Base is necessary to ensure proper planning and optimal use of the property. The study shall have as a primary concern the impact of the closure and redevelopment of Pease Air Force Base on the economies, environment, and quality of life of the affected communities, the seacoast region, and the state.
   II. The general court further recognizes that the economies, environment, and quality of life of the affected communities, the seacoast region, and the state will depend on the speedy and proper redevelopment of Pease Air Force Base. Thus, it is hereby declared to be in the public interest and to be the policy of the state to foster and promote the redevelopment of Pease Air Force Base by implementing the comprehensive conversion and redevelopment plan being prepared by the former Pease Air Force Base redevelopment commission and the Pease development authority.
   III. It is further declared that creation of a development authority to implement the comprehensive conversion and redevelopment plan and to promote, oversee, and integrate the development of Pease Air Force Base is in all respects for the benefit of the affected communities, the seacoast region, and the state and for the improvement of their welfare and prosperity, including the creation of employment and other business opportunities. It is also the intent of the general court that the authority be empowered to assume from the Pease Air Force Base redevelopment commission the responsibility for obtaining federal approval of the comprehensive conversion and redevelopment plan and complete any steps in the planning process that may remain incomplete as of July 1, 1990, and to create a development authority with the power, duties, and authority to implement all aspects of the comprehensive conversion and redevelopment plan subject to provisions of this chapter, including without limitation, taking title in the name of the state of New Hampshire, acting by and through the authority, to any or all of Pease Air Force Base.
   IV. The general court further recognizes that integration of the functions of the former New Hampshire state port authority with the functions and duties of the Pease Development Authority will allow for faster and more coordinated development of New Hampshire ports with the conversion and redevelopment of Pease Air Force Base. Thus, it is declared to be in the public interest and the policy of the state to combine in one authority all power, authority, and responsibility for the promotion and development of Pease Air Force Base and the ports of New Hampshire for the benefit of the seacoast region and all of the citizens of New Hampshire. It is also the intent of the general court that in the furtherance of its responsibility to promote and develop New Hampshire ports that they remain working ports with due consideration given to the commercial, recreational, and private interests associated therewith.
Source. 2001, 290:6, eff. July 1, 2001.