Every representative, senator, and officer of the house of representatives and the senate, shall file with the legislative ethics committee a financial disclosure form annually no later than the third Friday of January. The financial disclosure form shall include the following information:
   I. The name, address, office, county or district, and telephone number of the reporting individual.
   II. The name, address, and type of any business, profession, or other organization (including any unit of government) in which the reporting individual or reporting individual's family member was an employee, officer, director, associate, partner, or proprietor, or served in any other professional or advisory capacity, and from which any income in excess of $10,000 was derived during the preceding calendar year. Sources of retirement benefits other than federal retirement and/or disability benefits shall be included. If the individual filing the financial interest statement or that individual's family member has no qualifying income he or she shall report this by writing his or her initials following the statement: ""My or my family member's income does not qualify ___.''
   III. A statement of whether the reporting individual or reporting individual's family member has a financial interest in any of the businesses, professions, occupations, groups, or matters listed in this paragraph and a place on the form where the nature of the financial interest shall be described for each matter, as applicable.
      (a) Any profession, occupation, or business licensed or certified by the state of New Hampshire, listing each such profession, occupation, or category of business.
      (b) Health care.
      (c) Insurance.
      (d) Real estate, including brokers, agents, developers, and landlords.
      (e) Banking or financial services.
      (f) State of New Hampshire, county, or municipal employment.
      (g) The New Hampshire retirement system.
      (h) The current use land assessment program.
      (i) Restaurants and lodging.
      (j) The sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages.
      (k) The practice of law.
      (l) Any business regulated by the public utilities commission.
      (m) Horse or dog racing, or other legal forms of gambling.
      (n) Education.
      (o) Water resources.
      (p) Agriculture.
      (q) New Hampshire taxes, specifying if business profits tax, business enterprise tax, or interest and dividends tax.
      (r) A place where the reporting individual may, but is not required by this chapter to, specify any other area for which he or she or a family member has a financial interest.
   IV. The following statement regarding the disclosure of financial interest: ""An individual has a reportable financial interest in a business, profession, occupation, group, or matter listed in this section if a change in law, administrative rule, or other official action by the general court affecting the listed business, profession, occupation, group, or matter would potentially have a greater financial effect on the individual reporting the financial interest or that individual's family member than it would on the general public.''
   V. The following statement regarding the filing of a declaration of intent form: ""If your participation in an official activity creates a conflict of interest not disclosed by the information on this form, you must complete and file a Declaration of Intent Form in accordance with section 5 of the Ethics Guidelines. See section 5 of the Ethics Guidelines for information regarding particular conflicts of interest you may have. Even if you disclose a financial interest on this form, you may still have to file a separate Declaration of Intent Form on a particular bill.''
   VI. The following statement followed by a line for the person filing the form to sign and date the form: ""I hereby swear or affirm that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.''
   VII. The full text of RSA 14-B:10.
Source. 2009, 261:3, eff. Sept. 14, 2009.