I. There is established an interagency coordinating council for women offenders.
   II. (a) The members of the council shall be as follows:
         (1) One member of the governor's office, appointed by the governor.
         (2) One member of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate.
         (3) One member of the house of representatives, who shall be knowledgeable about county corrections, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.
         (4) The executive councilor representing district 5/Goffstown.
         (5) The commissioner of corrections.
         (6) The warden of the state prison for women.
         (7) The commissioner of health and human services, or designee.
         (8) The director of division of children, youth, and families, or designee.
         (9) The attorney general, or designee.
         (10) The chief justice of the superior court, or designee.
         (11) The chief justice of the supreme court, or designee.
         (12) The commissioner of the department of education, or designee with knowledge of Title IX, Carl Perkins Grants, and other federal funding sources.
         (13) One member from the Hillsborough county government, appointed by the New Hampshire Association of Counties.
         (14) One former inmate of the state prison for women who is no longer under correctional supervision, appointed by the governor.
         (15) A representative from the New Hampshire commission on the status of women, appointed by the governor.
         (16) A representative from the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, appointed by the governor.
         (17) A representative from New Hampshire Task Force on Women and Addiction, appointed by the governor.
         (18) A representative from the Citizens Advisory Committee of the New Hampshire State Prison for Women, appointed by the governor.
         (19) A community member with knowledge of correctional practices with particular expertise with female offenders, appointed by the governor.
         (20) One member from the New Hampshire Association of Counties, County Corrections Affiliate, appointed by the affiliate president.
      (b) Legislative members of the council shall receive mileage at the legislative rate when attending to the duties of the council.
   III. The duties of the council shall be as follows:
      (a) Identify opportunities for interagency cooperation in the effective management of female offenders.
      (b) Develop memoranda of understanding outlining ""in-kind'' services or cooperation to provide services to incarcerated women and their children.
      (c) Develop cross-training opportunities to foster understanding of system responses to the shared population across agencies of incarcerated women and their children.
      (d) Develop gender-specific treatment for co-occurring conditions and a continuity of treatment from incarceration to community.
      (e) Coordinate interagency case management and re-entry planning.
      (f) Assess the impact of incarceration on family relations during and after incarceration.
      (g) Apply for and administer federal and private sector grants for the furtherance of the duties of the council and the development of gender-responsive, trauma-informed management of female offenders and their children.
   IV. The council shall meet at least monthly during its first year, then at least quarterly thereafter. The members of the council shall elect a chairperson from among the members. The first meeting of the council shall be held within 45 days of the effective date of this section. The first meeting of the council shall be called by the senate member. The council shall convene at the call of the chairperson when deemed necessary by the chairperson.
   V. The term of each member appointed under paragraph III who has a term of office shall be coterminous with his or her term in office. The terms of the remaining members shall be for 3 years. Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the term in the same manner and from the same group as the original appointment.
   VI. The council shall report its findings and any recommendations for proposed legislation to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the senate clerk, the house clerk, the governor, and the state library annually on or before November 1.
Source. 2006, 269:1, eff. July 1, 2006. 2009, 199:3, eff. Sept. 13, 2009.