I. Any permanent employee who is affected by any application of the personnel rules, except for those rules enumerated in RSA 21-I:46, I and the application of rules in classification decisions appealable under RSA 21-I:57, may appeal to the personnel appeals board within 15 calendar days of the action giving rise to the appeal. The appeal shall be heard in accordance with the procedures provided for adjudicative proceedings in RSA 541-A. If the personnel appeals board finds that the action complained of was taken by the appointing authority for any reason related to politics, religion, age, sex, race, color, ethnic background, marital status, or disabling condition, or on account of the person's sexual orientation, or was taken in violation of a statute or of rules adopted by the director, the employee shall be reinstated to the employee's former position or a position of like seniority, status, and pay. The employee shall be reinstated without loss of pay, provided that the sum shall be equal to the salary loss suffered during the period of denied compensation less any amount of compensation earned or benefits received from any other source during the period. ""Any other source'' shall not include compensation earned from continued casual employment during the period if the employee held the position of casual employment prior to the period, except to the extent that the number of hours worked in such casual employment increases during the period. In all cases, the personnel appeals board may reinstate an employee or otherwise change or modify any order of the appointing authority, or make such other order as it may deem just.
   II. Any action or decision taken or made under this section shall be subject to rehearing and appeal as provided in RSA 541.
   III. In the event of an appeal from a decision of the personnel appeals board in accordance with the provisions of RSA 541, the fee for the copy of the record and such testimony and exhibits as shall be transferred, and the fee for manifold copies shall be established by the governor and council and collected by the director of personnel from the party making the appeal. Any fees collected by the director of personnel under the provisions of this section shall be credited to the appropriation for the division of personnel. The appeals board shall not be required to certify the record upon any such appeal, nor shall the appeal be considered until the fees for the copies have been paid.
Source. 1986, 12:1. 1988, 269:4. 1990, 140:2, XII, eff. June 18, 1990. 1997, 108:5, eff. Jan. 1, 1998.