The program shall be guided by the following principles. Awards of technical assistance funding shall be based on consistency with these principles:
   I. Consistency with smart growth principles in RSA 9-B:3.
   II. Development of a comprehensive growth and development strategy through which a municipality integrates housing and conservation planning.
   III. Identification of and planning for the full range of current and future housing needs for families of all income levels, as encouraged in RSA 672:1, III-e.
   IV. Identification of natural and historic resource values and planning for their protection, as encouraged in RSA 36-A:2, including the preservation of working forests and farmlands as provided in RSA 672:1, III-b and III-c, and critical or sensitive natural areas and resources, including water resources as provided for in RSA 674:2, III(d).
   V. Evaluating these conservation and housing issues on a community-wide, site-by-site, and regional basis.
   VI. Understanding the interrelationship between natural resources and housing development in a municipality and the impact each has on the other.
   VII. Encouragement of higher density, compact development and allowing for the infrastructure needed to support such development.
   VIII. Encouragement of reuse of existing properties, especially historic structures.
   IX. Integration of the growth and development strategy into the municipality's master plan and implementation into regulatory structure.
   X. Encouragement of community input and education of citizens about the growth and development strategy and the need to plan for future conservation and housing growth.
Source. 2007, 348:1, eff. July 1, 2007.