Said director shall perform the following duties:
   I. He shall provide post-election assistance to an incoming governor.
   II. He shall examine the tentative budgets prepared by the commissioner of administrative services, under the provisions of RSA 9 and advise the governor in regard to the same, and shall assist the governor during hearings on the tentative budget as provided by RSA 9:7.
   III. He shall formulate the governor's budget which is to be submitted to the legislature pursuant to RSA 9:8.
   IV. He shall examine reports made by the commissioner of administrative services as to operation and administration of the budget and expenditures thereunder.
   V. He shall schedule and assist the governor and council in hearings on departmental and agency requests involving financial matters.
   VI. He shall exercise continuing examinations and study of budget procedures.
   VII. He shall, in conjunction with the commissioner of administrative services, assist departments on procedures and other problems of management.
   VIII. He shall carry on a research program in the field of governmental and financial administration.
Source. 1970, 6:1. 1985, 399:3, I, eff. July 1, 1985.