I. A committee is established to select the location and design for a September 11 memorial, to oversee the construction of the memorial, to privately raise all the funds which shall be necessary for its construction, and to expend the funds which are raised. The selection of the location and design of the memorial shall be subject to the approval of the long range capital planning and utilization committee, established in RSA 17-M:1. The governor is authorized to accept for the committee, in the name of the state, the gifts of money which are donated to construct the memorial.
   II. The gifts of money which are donated to construct the memorial shall be placed in a special nonlapsing account in the state treasury, to be expended for the purposes of the September 11 memorial. Any money remaining in the special account after construction of the memorial is completed shall be used for the care, maintenance, repair, and additions to the memorial, or for any other purpose deemed appropriate by the committee.
   III. The committee shall remain in existence upon the completion of the September 11 memorial for the purpose of approving any changes in the memorial, such as the addition of names to the memorial. Any site changes in the memorial shall be made under the supervision of the director of the division of plant and property management, according to the provisions of RSA 4:9-e, II.
Source. 2002, 196:1, eff. May 15, 2002.