The division shall issue emergency burial permits only when the death record is incomplete. The number of emergency burial permits shall be 2 per funeral home at one time, except that, if a New Hampshire funeral home has requested an emergency burial permit on behalf of an out-of-state funeral home, the New Hampshire funeral home shall be allowed to have an additional burial permit. Burial permits and emergency burial permits shall be completed and signed by the cemetery sexton or person in charge of the cemetery, crematory, or other place of disposition of a body or, if none, by the funeral director, next of kin, or designated agent following such disposition. The permit shall be filed with the clerk of the town or city within 6 days after the burial pursuant to RSA 290:6. The cemetery sexton, crematory authority, funeral director, next of kin, or designated agent shall provide the information required for a burial permit or for a permit for disinterment. Burial permits and emergency burial permits shall be retained on file by the clerk of the town or city of the town or city of burial in accordance with the retention schedule established in this chapter.
Source. 2005, 268:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2006.