I. When the body of a deceased person is to be disposed of by cremation, the crematory operator, the funeral director, next of kin, or designated agent in charge of the final disposition arrangements shall present a copy of the death certificate and the burial permit or emergency burial permit with the body to a medical examiner in order to obtain the medical examiner's certificate.
   II. A crematory authority shall not cremate the body until the cremation authority has received the medical examiner's certificate for cremation and the burial permit or emergency burial permit.
   III. After cremation, the crematory shall forward one copy of the medical examiner's certificate for cremation, along with the burial permit or emergency burial permit, to the clerk of the city or town of cremation. The crematory shall also forward one copy of the medical examiner's certificate to the office of the chief medical examiner, as required by RSA 325-A:18, II, and keep one copy on file.
Source. 2005, 268:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2006. 2006, 288:4, eff. July 1, 2006. 2007, 324:7, eff. Sept. 14, 2007.