I. On or before October 1 prior to each biennial legislative session, all departments of the state shall transmit to the commissioner of administrative services, on blanks to be furnished by the commissioner, estimates of their expenditure requirements for each fiscal year of the ensuing biennium for administration, operation, maintenance expenditure, and program services, including costs for workers' compensation and unemployment compensation. In case of the failure of any department to submit such estimates within the time above specified, the commissioner of administrative services shall cause to be prepared such estimates for such department as in the commissioner's opinion are reasonable and proper.
   II. In this section ""maintenance expenditure'' means:
      (a) The cost of providing the same level of service authorized and funded in the preceding fiscal year, incorporating changes in the population, economic conditions, and other factors outside the control of the PAU. The governor shall provide criteria for the development of maintenance expenditures which may include the following:
         (1) Any increases or decreases in the cost of purchased goods or services due to general price changes in the economy at large;
         (2) Salary steps within grade;
         (3) New positions necessary to provide the same level of service;
         (4) Additional operating costs associated with previously authorized capital improvement projects to be completed during the biennium;
         (5) Reductions for non-recurring costs of the prior fiscal year.
      (b) The maintenance level shall not include new programs or changes in the kind, quantity, or quality of service when the change is at the agency's discretion or is the result of changes in federal or state law or regulation.
      (c) Within the meaning of this section, the governor shall make the final determination as to whether a particular cost shall be deemed to be a maintenance expenditure.
Source. RL 23:4. RSA 9:4. 1955, 337:16. 1957, 173:4. 1977, 436:2. 1985, 399:3, I. 1994, 189:1. 1998, 222:2. 2000, 296:1, eff. June 21, 2000.