I. The state recognizes the county extension advisory council as the local sponsor of cooperative extension programs in the counties working in collaboration with the university of New Hampshire.
   II. Cooperative extension shall, through its county outreach centers, take full advantage of communication technologies and distance-learning capabilities to bring university-based research and knowledge to the citizens of New Hampshire.
   III. The chancellor, university system of New Hampshire, or designee, acting as the agent of the university system of New Hampshire trustees, shall negotiate the revision of the existing memorandum of understanding between the university system of New Hampshire trustees and the county convention relative to the support and operations of the university of New Hampshire cooperative extension programs in the counties. The revised memorandum of understanding shall be negotiated and adopted in 1995 and reviewed every 6 years.
   IV. The county convention may raise and appropriate funds to supplement state, federal, and other funds for the support of the university of New Hampshire cooperative extension programs provided to the counties. The sums appropriated and any other funds that become available shall be expended through the county extension advisory council which shall be authorized to sponsor and guide this educational work in collaboration with the university of New Hampshire. If such council ceases to exist, the sums appropriated may be expended by any other administrative entity legally established for the purposes indicated by the Smith-Lever Act.
Source. 1995, 134:4, eff. May 24, 1995.