I. The bond of each sheriff shall be in a sum not to exceed $20,000, and that of each county attorney in a sum not less than $5,000.
   II. Other county officers shall be bonded as follows:
      (a) Each treasurer, and each register of deeds and his deputy shall be bonded in a sum not less than $20,000 nor more than $300,000; and
      (b) Each county commissioner shall be bonded in a sum not less than $5,000.
Source. RS 178:1; 179:1. CS 189:1; 190:1. GS 198:2. GL 16:6; 26:1; 27:1; 190:3; 217:2. PS 26:2. 1909, 63:1. 1919, 111:2. PL 37:2. RL 46:2. RSA 27:2. 1971, 427:1. 1979, 376:2. 1983, 383:6, eff. Jan. 1, 1984.