I. A charter commission established under this chapter may recommend a charter which meets the needs of the county in terms of structure and operation to include, but not be limited to, such matters as: numbers and duties of elected officials, except elected officials specified by the Constitution of the state of New Hampshire; method of electing officials; manner of filling vacancies; powers of nomination, appointment and confirmation; terms of office; establishment and operations of nonconstitutional offices, agencies and departments; and adoption of the county budget.
   II. The charter commission shall meet within 30 days of its appointment at a meeting called by the chairman of the board of commissioners. At this meeting, the charter commission shall organize by electing from its members a chairman, a vice chairman, and clerk-secretary. The commission shall also prepare a schedule for future meetings. All meetings, hearings and deliberations of the charter commission shall be subject to RSA 91-A.
   III. Vacancies occurring on the commission shall be filled promptly by the nominating committee using the same rules for selection as in RSA 28-A:2. Members shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for expenses lawfully incurred by them in the performance of their duties.
   IV. The charter commission shall adopt rules governing the conduct of its meetings and proceedings in accordance with an accepted parliamentary procedure, shall keep appropriate records, and may employ such legal, research, clerical, or other employees and consultants as are deemed necessary within the limits of its budget.
   V. The county commissioners shall provide the charter commission with suitable space and with reasonable access to county facilities for holding public hearings, may contribute clerical and other assistance to such commission, and shall permit reasonable access to consult with and obtain advice and information from county officers, officials, and employees during ordinary working hours.
   VI. Within 60 days after its organizational meeting, the charter commission shall hold 3 public hearings in 3 separate locations within the county for the purpose of receiving information, views, comments, and other pertinent material relative to its functions. All public hearings before a charter commission shall be held within the county at such times and places as may be specified in a notice published at least 10 days prior to the hearing in a newspaper having general circulation in the county, but public hearings may be adjourned and reconvened from time to time without further published notice.
Source. 1986, 112:1, eff. July 19, 1986.