I. The wages or salaries from the work of all persons held for trial or for any other cause or sentenced to imprisonment in a county department of corrections facility shall be disbursed by the superintendent for:
      (a) Restitution or reparation or both, to the victim of his conduct for the damage or injury which was sustained, in a sum and manner determined by the court.
      (b) The cost of board and all other expenses of the county maintaining the facility with the county of commitment receiving a credit for the cost of board and all other expenses.
      (c) Payment of a fine.
      (d) Incidental expenses of the person so employed.
      (e) Support of the person's dependents, if any.
      (f) The account of the person so employed which shall be payable to such person upon discharge.
   II. The county commissioners of each county may require sentenced inmates to pay a portion of their income payable to them from sources other than wages or salaries, to offset the costs of incarceration, when sanctioned by the sentencing court. In setting the amount of such payments, the court shall take into consideration and make allowances for the maintenance and support of an inmate's spouse, dependent children, or any other persons having a legal right to support and maintenance by the inmate.
Source. 1988, 89:1, eff. June 17, 1988. 1998, 209:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1999.