I. The reports of the several officers named in RSA 30:1 shall contain a summarized account of all their transactions which concern the county, for the fiscal year ending as aforesaid, and shall be prepared in a uniform manner in each county, so that accurate statistics can be compiled from the following information:
      (a) Total cost of maintaining a nursing home;
      (b) Number of patients maintained at the nursing home;
      (c) Number of prisoners in each category of criminal offenses committed;
      (d) Total cost of maintaining prisoners by the county department of corrections, computed by the same method in each county; and
      (e) Number of people helped outside the towns in which they reside.
   II. The reports of the several officers as prescribed in paragraph I, shall be submitted to the county commissioners in as much detail as the commissioners may require.
Source. 1878, 44:2. GL 28:2. PS 30:2. 1901, 26:1. PL 41:3. RL 50:3. RSA 30:3. 1975, 52:2. 1988, 89:10, eff. June 17, 1988.