I. Towns may take and hold in trust gifts, legacies, and devises made to them for the establishment, maintenance, and care of libraries, reading-rooms, schools, and other educational facilities, parks, cemeteries, and burial lots, the planting and care of shade and ornamental trees upon their highways and other public places, and for any other public purpose that is not foreign to their institution or incompatible with the objects of their organization.
   II. Towns may authorize the board of selectmen, or town council if there is one, to accept such trusts without further action by the town.
   III. Such authority to accept shall continue in effect for one year from the date of town meeting or action by the town council. The authority to accept trusts may be granted for an indefinite period, in which case the warrant article or vote granting such authority shall use the words, ""indefinitely'' or ""until rescinded'' or similar language.
Source. GL 49:7; 50:3. PS 40:5. 1901, 83:1. 1907, 70:1. PL 42:18. 1941, 43:1. RL 51:19, RSA 31:19. 1995, 137:1, eff. May 24, 1995.