I. The provisions of RSA 31:19 through 31:38 as amended shall remain in full force and effect. This section is intended only to provide help to trustees covered by this subdivision by enabling them to have professional banking and brokerage assistance in the performance of their duties as trustees.
   II. ""Bank'' as used in this section means a savings bank, national bank or trust company in this state, any building and loan association or cooperative bank, incorporated and doing business under the laws of this state or any federal savings and loan association located and doing business in this state.
   II-a. ""Brokerage firm'' in this section means a firm registered under the securities law effecting transactions in securities for the accounts of others.
   II-b. ""Portfolio management department'' in this section means the department of a brokerage firm responsible for investment management of client accounts.
   II-c. ""Investment advisor'' in this section means a qualified investment advisory firm registered with the appropriate regulatory authorities. Such firm may or may not be associated with a brokerage firm as defined in paragraph II-a.
   III. Any trustee or trustees of trust funds authorized by this chapter may hire or employ the trust department or departments of a bank or banks or a brokerage firm to assist in the management and investment of trust fund resources or to provide bookkeeping services in connection therewith or to do both. They may also place securities in the nominee name of a trust department or departments or a brokerage firm to facilitate transfers for such securities. Trust fund records maintained by any bank or brokerage firm must be available at all times for examination by local auditors, by independent accountants or auditors retained by a municipality, or by the auditors of the department of revenue administration; and such records shall be municipal records and property. In employing such trust departments, portfolio management departments, or investment advisors, the trustees may enter into contracts or agreements delegating the management of such trust funds to those departments subject to investment guidelines adopted by the trustees under applicable statutes and subject to at least quarterly review and approval of such management by the trustees.
   IV. Any expenses incurred pursuant to paragraph III of this section by a trustee or trustees of trust funds authorized by this chapter shall be charges against the trust funds involved and shall be identified and reported in the annual report of the trustee or trustees as expenditures out of trust funds made pursuant to RSA 31:38-a, III.
Source. 1977, 214:1. 1983, 107:1, eff. July 23, 1983; 264:4, eff. Aug. 17, 1983. 1996, 209:5-7, eff. Aug. 9, 1996.