Towns shall have the power to make bylaws regulating hazardous embankments, including the removal, stabilization, or fencing thereof, for the protection of the health and safety of the public. Whoever violates any such bylaw shall be guilty of a violation for each offense and the penalty therefor shall inure to such uses as the town may direct. Regulation of ""excavation'' as defined in RSA 155-E:1, II shall be in accordance with RSA 155-E, but any hazardous embankment resulting from excavation, whether undertaken prior to, on, or after August 4, 1989, may be subject to bylaws made under the authority of this section.
Source. 1971, 212:1. 1973, 531:7. 1989, 363:16. 1991, 310:2, eff. Aug. 23, 1991.