I. Towns may, pursuant to RSA 31:95-d, vote to restrict revenues, or any portion of revenues, from a specific source to expenditures for specific purposes. Such revenues and expenditures shall be accounted for in a special revenue fund separate from the general fund.
   II. Notwithstanding paragraph IV, towns may establish, pursuant to RSA 31:95-d, special revenue funds to:
      (a) Provide special highway funds from appropriate revenues, such as revenues from block grants from the state highway fund, motor vehicle permit fees collected under RSA 261:165, parking meter fees and fines in accordance with RSA 231:131, and any other highway related revenues not otherwise designated by law. Appropriations from the special highway fund shall be used for highway expenditures.
      (b) Provide special capital improvement plan funds from appropriate revenues, which include any portion of town revenues otherwise allotted to the general fund except property taxes, provided that the town has adopted and has in place an up-to-date capital improvement plan as prescribed and developed in accordance with the provisions of RSA 674:5 through 674:8. Any funds from sources includable in subparagraph (a) included in the capital improvement plan shall be used solely for highway purposes. Appropriations from the special capital improvement plan fund shall be used to fund those individual capital projects identified in an up-to-date duly adopted town capital improvement plan.
   III. Any surplus in any fund created under paragraph I or II shall not be deemed part of the general fund accumulated surplus nor shall any surplus be expended for any purpose or transferred to any appropriation until such time as the legislative body shall have voted to appropriate a specific amount from said fund for a specific purpose related to the purpose or source of the revenue.
   IV. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the establishment of capital reserve funds pursuant to RSA 35:1 or town created trust funds pursuant to RSA 31:19-a. The provisions of this section shall be limited to those town activities funded primarily through user fees including, but not limited to, municipal airports and solid waste facilities.
Source. 1989, 279:1. 1993, 184:1, eff. Aug. 8, 1993. 1996, 148:1, 2, eff. May 24, 1996.