I. Cities and Towns. Cities and towns may incur debt in anticipation of the taxes of the financial year in which the debt is incurred, in order to pay current maintenance and operation expenses, and may issue notes therefor to an aggregate principal amount not exceeding the total tax levy during the preceding financial year, provided that after the tax levy of the current year has been determined any city or town may borrow an amount not exceeding in the aggregate the total tax levy of the city or town for the current financial year. In order to meet necessary expenses which may arise during the period from the beginning of the financial year to the date of the annual town meeting, the treasurer of any town, with the approval of the selectmen, may issue notes, without a vote of the town therefor, to an aggregate principal amount not exceeding 30 percent of the total receipts from taxes during the preceding financial year.
   II. Village Districts. Village districts may incur debt in anticipation of taxes and other revenue of the financial year in which the debt is incurred, in order to pay current maintenance and operation expenses, and may issue notes therefor to an aggregate principal amount not exceeding the total tax levy of the district during the preceding financial year. In order to meet necessary expenses which may arise during the period from the beginning of the financial year to the date of the annual district meeting, the treasurer of any district with the approval of the governing board, may issue notes, without a vote of the district therefor, to an aggregate principal amount not exceeding 30 percent of the total tax levy during the preceding financial year.
   III. All notes issued under authority of this section shall be general obligations. They may be sold at discount and shall be payable not later than one year from their date. Notes issued for a shorter period than one year may be refunded or renewed, pursuant to a vote or resolution of the governing board, or the city councils in the case of cities, by the issue of other notes maturing within the required period, provided, however, that the period from the date of issue of the original loan to the date of maturity of the refunding or renewal loan shall not be more than one year.
   IV. A village district established pursuant to RSA 52:1 may apply to the town it is situated in for tax anticipation money before the tax rate has been established for the town if said district presents to the selectmen a district budget, approved at a properly constituted district meeting called for the purpose of approving a budget. Towns may advance to any village district a share of any money borrowed by the town in anticipation of taxes, not exceeding the total approved budget amount to be paid to such district. The town may charge the district a proportionate share of the interest due on that town's tax anticipation notes.
   V. For tax anticipation notes only, any town or village district at an annual meeting may adopt an article authorizing indefinitely until specific rescission of such authority the issuance of tax anticipation notes. The following shall apply:
      (a) Such warrant article to be voted on shall read: ""Shall the town (or village district) accept the provision of RSA 33:7 providing that any town (or village district) at an annual meeting may adopt an article authorizing indefinitely, until specific rescission of such authority, the selectmen (or commissioners) to issue tax anticipation notes?''
      (b) If a majority of voters voting on the question vote in the affirmative, the proposed warrant article shall be in effect in accordance with the terms of the article until such time as the town (or village district) meeting votes to rescind its vote.
Source. 1953, 258:1, par. 7. RSA 33:7. 1957, 95:1; 98:1. 1967, 305:1. 1969, 171:1. 1979, 140:1. 1993, 176:4, eff. Aug. 8, 1993; 361:1, eff. Sept. 22, 1993. 1997, 105:3, 4, eff. Aug. 8, 1997.