I. A local political subdivision which has adopted the official ballot referenda form of meeting pursuant to RSA 40:14 and has also adopted a municipal budget committee pursuant to RSA 32:14 may delegate the determination of the default budget to the budget committee instead of the governing body.
   II. A vote under this section may be taken simultaneously with the adoption of RSA 40:13 or any time after the adoption of RSA 40:13.
      (a) If the vote is taken simultaneously with the adoption of RSA 40:13, a separate question shall be placed on the warrant for the annual meeting following the procedures in RSA 40:14.
      (b) If the vote is taken after the adoption of RSA 40:13, the question shall be placed on the warrant of the annual meeting by the governing body or by petition under the procedures set out in RSA 39:3 or RSA 197:6 and shall not be amended. A public hearing on the question shall be held by the local governing body following the procedures in RSA 40:14, IV. A vote to adopt the question shall conform with RSA 40:14, VI.
      (c) The wording of the question shall be: ""Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 40:14-b to delegate the determination of the default budget to the municipal budget committee which has been adopted under RSA 32:14?''
   III. The provisions of this section may be rescinded following the procedures set out in RSA 40:14, VII, except that the wording of the question, which shall not be amended, shall be: ""Shall we rescind the provisions of RSA 40:14-b, as adopted by the (local political subdivision) on (date of adoption), so that the default budget will be determined by the governing body instead of the budget committee?''
Source. 2004, 219:3, eff. Aug. 10, 2004.