In addition to the officers which towns are hereinafter required to elect at the annual meeting, any town may choose one or more collectors of taxes, agents, overseers of public welfare, constables, police chiefs or other police officers, and every other officer who may be directed by law to be chosen, and such other officers as it may judge necessary for managing its affairs, who shall perform the duties prescribed by law. Constables, police chiefs or police officers shall be elected pursuant to the provisions of RSA 41:47.
Source. RS 34:4, 5. CS 36:4, 7. GS 37:4, 7. GL 40:4, 12. 1879, 6:1. PS 43:25. PL 47:36. RL 59:41. RSA 41:2. 1957, 198:1. 1969, 450:2. 1995, 11:1, eff. June 11, 1995.